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60 series features


The 60 series consists of 4 packs, with dimensions 28 x 21.5 x 4.5 cm (packs 61 and 62) and dimensions 33.5 x 29 x 4.5 (packs 63 and 64), containing subjects in 1/32 scale, with catalog numbers from 61 to 64.

Its production begins in May 1975 with the first 2 packs and ends in August of the same year with the start of the production of the last two packs.

The Atlantic logo, the 1/32 scale, the name, the image and the quantity of the subjects contained are shown on the front of the packs.

It should be noted that in packs 61 and 62 the scale and type of subjects contained is in Italian while in packs 63 and 64 also in three other languages.

The Atlantic logo and the catalog number are shown on the side edges of packs 61 and 62, while on the edges of packs 63 and 64 also the wording "made in Italy"

On the upper and lower edges we find the flags of some of the nations participating in World War II.

On the back of the packages are the assembly instructions and the list of catalog numbers of the same series.

It should be noted that, while for packs 63 and 64 we find the wording "plastic non toxic" on the back, packs 61 and 62 were marketed with different types of back:
one without any wording (type A), a second with only the wording "made in Italy" (type B) and a third with the words "made in Italy" and "plastic non toxic" (type C).

Also note that in the list of catalog numbers, shown on the back of the packs, there are also 2 other American tanks never produced: the Ontos and the M29 C Amphibious weasel; the two tanks, on the back of the first pack, are shown respectively with the catalog numbers 63 and 64 while in the subsequent packs the Ontos is reported with the catalog number 65 while the M29 C Amphibious weasel is no longer mentioned.









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