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800 series second edition


The 800 series, already produced in a first graphic design, identified as the 800 series first edition and inserted in the Soldati d'Italia and great revolutions section, is newly produced with the same catalog numbers in a new graphic design probably designed for the foreign market.

The 800 series in this new graphic format, which for convenience will be identified as the second edition, was produced in June 1976, consisting of 19 "book" packs measuring 13 x 18 x 3.5 cm, containing subjects in scale 1 / 32, with catalog numbers from 801 to 819.

It should be noted that the 819 packaging, despite being reported in the catalogs, would seem not to have been marketed.

The 800 series second edition along with the 800 series first edition, the tank 830 Series and the Interlocking Fortifications Series. are part of the series known as the "Atlantic Mini Model 1/32".

On the front of the packages there is the Atlantic logo and the name of the subject in three different languages ​​(except Italian), while on the back and on the side edges there is the number of the series, the cover images and the catalog numbers of the entire series.

Inside the book cover we find information on the coloring and assembly of the subjects contained and a brief historical description of the contents of the package always in three languages ​​except Italian.






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